The Power Of One... for everyone!

Barrel Bag is committed to ensuring that all students feel empowered to believe in the power of one and be the agents of change in their communities. We work closely with organizations across the United States to provide tools for improving environmental education to those communities in need.

Barrel Bag wants to ensure that no matter where you come from or where you live, individuals are encouraged and equipped to have a positive affect on our environment and natural resources. Barrel Bag supports these efforts through activism, education, and youth empowerment.


We believe that all children should have access to environmental education, no matter where they live or their social economics. For this reason, Barrel Bag partners with organizations, such as the Green Schools Alliance, to raise funds that are invested in youth environmental education. Barrel Bag is committed to helping grant underserved communities access to educational materials and tools to create a positive impact on the world.


We understand that financial responsibilities can present a barrier to being able to participate in mission-driven work. Barrel Bag offers a paid internship program for college students to be able to have a social impact while gaining critical work experience in areas such as business development, sales, social media, education, website administration and graphic design.


Barrel Bag recognizes that cleanup events can serve as the onramp to developing environmental advocacy. By experiencing first hand how much litter and plastic is contaminating our natural resources, killing our marine life, and negatively impacting our communities, individuals become more aware of the problem and the need to take action. Our proprietary Impact Tracker software allows individuals to record their cleanup efforts and track their personal contributions to their environment while also getting to see how their efforts roll up into a larger global movement to help protect our planet.