2021 Wish List: A Plastic-Free Future

The world is facing a plastic pollution crisis that impacts our planet and many vulnerable communities worldwide. The adverse effects of single-use plastics, in their entire lifecycle, affect different ecosystems. The irresponsible consumption and production of plastic continue to poison our oceans so it is essential to look for actionable ways to keep them safe. Moreover, it is also important to keep the fossil fuel industry accountable for manufacturing plastic and worsening the climate crisis.

As this year comes to an end, we want to welcome the new year with our 2021 wish list:

By 2021, we want to hold big companies, like Coca Cola, Target, Amazon, accountable for their single-use plastic reduction goals.

  • We want big plastic pollution companies to embrace sustainable solutions. We can make this happen by signing petitions and reducing the consumption of these plastic items.

By 2021, we want the Break Free From Plastic Pollution Act to become a law.

By 2021, we want President-elect Biden to act on the plastic pollution crisis the US is facing today.

By 2021, we want more companies to commit to giving back to the planet by advancing their corporate social responsibility.

  • One way to do this is by partnering with environmental non-profits to raise awareness about the plastic pollution crisis. We can make this happen by introducing CSR opportunities, like the one we have in Barrel Bag, that directly give back to the environment.

By 2021, we want to mobilize and encourage more individuals to organize their local cleanups.

By 2021, we want to become more active in supporting the most vulnerable communities affected by the plastic pollution crisis.

  • We can make this happen by amplifying their concerns through our platforms, listening to diverse voices, and partnering with communities and organizations that help support the cause.

By 2021, we want to pick up new sustainable habits like switching a plastic item to a more sustainable one.

  • We can make this happen by joining the Plastic Swap Project, which encourages us to slowly let go of plastics in our lives and creatively think of sustainable ways of living.